What is Cosmic Meditation?

Meditation is derived from the ancient term ‘Dhyan’ as an act to connect to the “inner Self“. Yogis from Southern Asia have practiced this art of forming deep connection with the self. By now, all of us have heard the cliche ‘As above, So below’, ‘As with-in, So with-out’ etc. Cosmic Meditation is correlation of finding this inner peace and connection within the deep self, from a minute particle that forms this ‘Self’ to everything that is outside in this vast and infinite Cosmos.


How different is Cosmic Meditation from Regular Meditation

There are various types and techniques to Meditate. Some of these help to connect at Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual level, however there are very few techniques which take you beyond these 4 states. Cosmic Meditation, takes you beyond all limitations of human mind by integrating your cellular structure with the vast Cosmos. There is no doubt that we are made up of the same particles as the spec of dust in the Cosmos, the art of tuning deep within the ‘inner self‘ with Quantum Vortex Energy makes the whole experience possible and seamless. Within these Cosmic Meditations, we keep ourselves open and receptive to the Silent Transmissions which gives us profound experiences . Please feel free to read our Cosmic Meditations testimonials section.


Benefits of Cosmic Meditations

We briefly add basic benefits of meditations and in particular Cosmic Meditations. 

  • Increase awareness
  • Stress release
  • Physical healing is just a by-product
  • Peace in Mental, Emotional and Spiritual body
  • Open your chakric blockages
  • Reset your Energy patterns
  • Consciously work on addictions
  • Tune into ‘Inner Self’